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Ideon Ⓐ‎4 years agopublic

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    SCN's demobuss kommer till Ideon!
    Sensor Control Nordic's industriella minimässa och demobuss kommer till Ideon och visar sina produkter inom automation och inbyggda system.
    Vad visar man?
    I bussen visar man bl.a.:
    Minnes- och lagringsmoduler, kretskortsdatorer, industri PC, displayer, givare, komponenter, PLC-system, HMI-paneler, fjärråtkomst, IoT-lösningar, SCADA-system, frekvensomriktare, servomotorer, linjära givare, tryck- och flödesgivare, roterande givare, lutningsgivare, DC-kontaktorer, reläer, släpringar, termostater, fotoceller, ljusridåer, induktiva givare och mycket mer.
    När och var?
    Du hittar bussen uppställd på parkeringen på Scheelevägen 30 (korsningen Scheelevägen / Emdalavägen) se knappnål på kartan nedan eller se länk till Google Maps:

    Fredagen den 23/10 kl. 9-12
    Varmt välkomna för att se utbudet och/eller diskutera dina projekt och problemställningar.

    Ideon Ⓐ‎4 years agopublic

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      Did you know?!

      World's first car had only three wheels as Benz was not satisfied with the steering systems available for four-wheelers back in 1886.

      Bo Lincoln, CEO at Iternio, joined us at Ideon Breakfast this morning. We talked about their better road planning solutions for electrical vehicles. Their solution supports Tesla, Audi, BMW, Jaguar, VW, Hyundai, Nissan, Chevrolet, Kia, Mercedes, Smart, and more being added continuously.

      To find out more, please click on the link below!

      Ideon Ⓐ‎4 years agopublic

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        Hi, network!

        Ideon Breakfast is not only a way to promote the companies at Ideon Science Park, but also it's a way for the companies to find each other and connect, to teach and learn from each other.

        Today we were joined by the CEO and the mind behind Avsalt AB, Niels Boon! We talked about their way of providing low energy, scalable electric water desalination and how this can help water shortages.

        To learn more click on the link below!

        Ideon Ⓐ‎4 years agopublic

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        Ideon Ⓐ‎4 years agopublic

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          Ideon Breakfast is one of the highlighters in the week for us and the viewers. This is one way to learn all the exciting news and about ongoing projects! Today we had the chance to meet Murat Samanci from the UNOPS GIC team at Ideon Science Park. We had a great talk about his two start-ups and UNOPS! What is the current status of the challenge released by UNOPS? What's in there for you as a company or individual having innovative ideas to solve global issues?

          If you want to know more about UNOPS, click on the link below!

          Ideon Ⓐ‎4 years agopublic

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            Hello, Ideon Science Park! It's Tuesday and we are back with Ideon breakfasts! Filled with positive energy we were joined by Oliver Titikic from AURIX-Juristbyrå. We talked about Aurix's victory against Redbull, their journey, and their vision. Great fun and we hope to see more!

            Join our conversation by clicking on the link below!


            Ideon Ⓐ‎4 years agopublic

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              Last Ideon breafast for this semester delivered by the CEO of Ideon Science Park, Mia Rolf! A broadcast filled with summer warmth, entertainment and some very interesting fisures and facts! You should definietly not miss this episode! Click on the link below to watch Ideon Breakfast!

              P.S. We will be back again in autum with interesting people and companies! Stay with us and stay safe! Love for all, Hatred for none! Peace out!

              Ideon Ⓐ‎4 years agopublic

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                Today we had PwC in our studio who shared their research on European startups with us (you'll find the report in the comments)! Something is always happening at PwC and it's always fun. Great energy!
                Thank you Leslie, CEO of First and Ten AB, for an interesting but a very fun talk about your game launch that has more to it! What makes this game "a must download" is all the health benefits gained by just playing it! And it's superfun!
                Ideon Science Park where sharp minds come together and great innovation takes place!
                Click on the link below to watch th full interview!

                Here is the First and Ten website:


                Ideon Ⓐ‎4 years agopublic

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                  Today at the Idoen Breakfast we were joined by Patrik from Pinteg! We discussed GDPR, personal integrity, data usage and data security. We talked about how we can work with data differently than we are working today and how that can benefit private users as well as companies.

                  To learn more, please click on the link below!


                  Ideon Ⓐ‎4 years agopublic

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                    Today we were joined by Sony from the park. An interesting conversation about Sony and how they have developed since foundation. We also talked their focus areas at Ideon Science park and the projects they are involved in.
                    To learn more click on the link below!

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