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Mia Rolf‎4 years agopublic

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    Today I am angry! We had a burglery at our office, and they took avery tech we had, including our 2 electrical scooters! The day after me and my colleague took a tour of the park, they probably saw us enter the office and got this idea. Do yuo think we should put up security cameras in Alfa and Beta buildings? Interesting to hear your thoughts.

    Saeed Dehghani ‎4 years ago
    This is the second time that I've heard about a robbery in the park. The buildings are so quiet, especially after work times.
    There are some benefits to having security cameras. The visible camera and sign have the potential, I think.
    Mia Rolf ‎4 years ago
    OK the pic is not on me...
    Mia Rolf‎4 years agopublic

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      I really enjoy these meetings with our interesting companies and individuals in the Park!

      Hello, Ideon Science Park! It's Tuesday and I'm back with Ideon breakfasts! Filled with positive energy I was joined by Oliver Titikic from AURIX-Juristbyrå. We talked about Aurix's victory against Redbull, their journey, and their vision. Great fun and I hope to see more!

      Join our conversation by clicking on the link below!

      Mia Rolf‎5 years agopublic

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        Type Paper

        Title How public private partnerships can help us reach the 17 sustainable development goals for the world

        AbstractIn April 2018, I had the honour to be a member in a panel discussion at the World Association for Sustainable Development in the Palais de National, the UN centre in Geneva. The topic was Partnership for innovation and they called it ”a crazy mixed meeting”. This crazy mix included different UN organisations, non-profit organisations like WHO and representatives from the private sector, and the focus of the meeting was how to enhance the Public Private Partnership (PPP) within different fields.

        Publish date 2019/12/23

        AuthorsMia Rolf, CEO, Ideon Science Park

        Mia Rolf‎5 years agopublic

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          Type Paper

          Title The Journey to a Scaleup City

          AbstractThe innovation ecosystems in Sweden are heavily supporting the startup phase with seed funds, business developers and technical labs support. However, the national export services, banks and venture capital are all expecting to work with midsized and fast growing companies. There is a gap to be filled between startup and scaleup, where the Valley of death is famous, where most startups die without ever reaching the larger markets. It is not the startups that will grow the economy, but the Scaleups.
          With the experience of 36 years of innovation and growth support, and being a Swedish science park, where the market in Sweden never is big enough for scaleup companies, Ideon Science Park has started the journey to become a scaleup city. The keys to scaling up being organisational and leadership knowledge, internationalization, funding opportunities, match making and furthermost customer insight and structured feed back loops.

          Publish date 2019/09/24

          AuthorsMia Rolf, CEO, Ideon Science Park

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