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Ideon Ⓐ‎5 years agopublic

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    Evolution Road does live testing in October on Getingevägen!
    Now during October, Evolution Road will be performing live testing on the electrical road on Getingevägen here in Lund. They will be testing data communication, electrical transferring and energy consumption amongst other things. Initially, a trailer will be used to gradually increase up to a bus at the end of the month.
    The electrical road is built on Getingevägen in the bus lane and regular traffic is expected to move without issues during the test period. Are you curios about the project and want to know more? Get more information at or send an email to [email protected]
    The project is made possible due to:
    Elonroad, Lunds kommun, The Faculty of Engineering at Lund University, LTH, Kraftringen, Skånetrafiken, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), Solaris Bus & Coach, Ramboll and Trafikverket.

    Ideon Ⓐ‎5 years agopublic

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      SCN Industrial Roadshow comes to Ideon Science Park!
      Talk about industry automation and built-in systems with SCN, they are bringing their industrial roadshow demo bus to Ideon Science Park tomorrow!

      Meet Romani Nous and Jonas Lindbäck who will demonstrate select parts of SCNs wide sortiment. Find them at the intersection of Scheelevägen and Emdalavägen!

      Friday 23/10 • 9-12 • Parking of Scheelevägen 30

      Ideon Ⓐ‎5 years agopublic

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        SCN's demobuss kommer till Ideon!

        Sensor Control Nordic's industriella minimässa och demobuss kommer till Ideon och visar sina produkter inom automation och inbyggda system.

        Vad visar man?

        I bussen visar man bl.a.:
        Minnes- och lagringsmoduler, kretskortsdatorer, industri PC, displayer, givare, komponenter, PLC-system, HMI-paneler, fjärråtkomst, IoT-lösningar, SCADA-system, frekvensomriktare, servomotorer, linjära givare, tryck- och flödesgivare, roterande givare, lutningsgivare, DC-kontaktorer, reläer, släpringar, termostater, fotoceller, ljusridåer, induktiva givare och mycket mer.

        Location på Scheelevägen 30 (korsningen Scheelevägen / Emdalavägen) , Google Maps:

        From 2020/10/23

        To 2020/10/23


        Ideon Ⓐ‎5 years agopublic

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          SCN's demobuss kommer till Ideon!

          Sensor Control Nordic's industriella minimässa och demobuss kommer till Ideon och visar sina produkter inom automation och inbyggda system.

          Vad visar man?

          I bussen visar man bl.a.:

          Minnes- och lagringsmoduler, kretskortsdatorer, industri PC, displayer, givare, komponenter, PLC-system, HMI-paneler, fjärråtkomst, IoT-lösningar, SCADA-system, frekvensomriktare, servomotorer, linjära givare, tryck- och flödesgivare, roterande givare, lutningsgivare, DC-kontaktorer, reläer, släpringar, termostater, fotoceller, ljusridåer, induktiva givare och mycket mer.

          När och var?

          Du hittar bussen uppställd på parkeringen på Scheelevägen 30 (korsningen Scheelevägen / Emdalavägen) se knappnål på kartan nedan eller se länk till Google Maps:

          Fredagen den 23/10 kl. 9-12

          Varmt välkomna för att se utbudet och/eller diskutera dina projekt och problemställningar.

          Ideon Ⓐ‎5 years agopublic

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            Did you miss this? The new Sony concept car is partly developed /designed from Lund!

            Any more cool product images from the rest of you?

            Ideon Ⓐ‎5 years agopublic

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              Terranet in cooperation with Daimler! Big Congrats! Tell us more about the cooperation when you can!


              Ideon Ⓐ‎5 years agopublic

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                Here is where you find each other within this industry and in the Ideon Science Park!

                If you go to Ideon Science Parks website / who we are / our companies, and chose "Future transportation" you will find all the companies in the park working in this field as we are aware of. Also, you may search in the above search field on that to find direct contacts to each company!

                Ideon Ⓐ ‎5 years ago
                Search on Future Transportation!
                Ideon Ⓐ‎5 years agopublic

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                  TIP: Stay tuned with what is happening within mobility in Lund, by follwoing this webpage:

                  Ideon Ⓐ ‎5 years ago
                  Sorry it is only in Swedish...
                  Saeed Dehghani‎times agopublic

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                  Su Zhang ‎times ago
                  A great place to meet the best ideas and most intresting projects and capable people !
                  Su Zhang‎times agopublic

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                    Can I say something about the group activities_

                    Su Zhang ‎times ago
                    Is it you who put my pictures there ? Thank you
                    Saeed Dehghani ‎times ago
                    Yes Su:)
                    There are no items to display